Universal spot

Friday, December 26, 2008

The value of life

Life is an inalienable right, people say.

According to that, life is priceless. But that cannot be applied to real world. Any life is worth in the terms of how useful is to society, or of the expenses required on its transit to social usefulness.

The case of a mother and wife, who died run over, caught my attention. Indemnification went up to almost three times the minimum legal salary per year. As someone said "That's for the burial". ¿Who will explain to the orphan why her mother's life value was that?

Although there are values to quote the loss of capacity, how much is worth the loss of health, the loss of confidence or the anguish you get with a high risk of death? Due to the consequences of such situations do not have to immediate, can't they be measured? The value of an abortion, a gunman fee o the cost of the unprescribed medical test are the true values of life in this society, and al of them are lower to the cost of breed puppy.

In another case, which moved Colombia's society, more than 20 children from a prestigious school died in an absurd accident caused for not complying OHSC standards. How much would be enough to indemnify each one of those families. They asked for indemnifications between 180 and 270 thousand US dollars, but the responsible firm offered less than 30 thousand US dollars.

Greed or ignorance? Economic and financial quantifications never could measure values of things like life, health and peace. Personally, I felt prostitued when I had to calculate the amount due to my health loss and death risk, but the indignity is higher when the lawmakers say, what we have considered fair, is exaggerated. Finally, it scares me for our descendants, this jungle we live in.


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