Universal spot

Friday, December 26, 2008

Double moral and privacy

This week I received a message with an attached slide presentation. The subject made me think that it was a message I received before, but the file name was new for me (Colombian actress Yuri Katherine Vargas with Jaime Castrillón), so I opened it.

The first slide says: 'More thongs out of place from RCN channel (play on words in Spanish), this is the Colombian actress Yury Katherine Vargas with Jaime Castrillón soccer player of Medellín and the Colombian team… boleteala…"

The RCN cannel is one of the two private channels in Colombia and, as far as I understand, some of its actresses and presenters have faced scandals in the last year and a half. The spooky thing in the text is the last Word: "boleteala..." (Embarrass her).

Second slide: The actress in underwear on a bed.

Third slide: Same girl, less clothes, same bed.

Fourth slide: Same girl, kissing a dark-skinned with his underwear on his knees.

Fifth to seventh slides: Same girl giving oral sex to the same guy,

Eighth slide: Same girl, sat naked on the bed.

Ninth to eleventh slides: "Embarrass her, so her career will be finished… ha ha", "Send the pictures so nobody will hire her again … ha ha ha", "You can see her in a stupid role in the soap opera “La dama de Troya”… ha ha ha, embarrassing!”

And I felt disgusted. Not because "a well-known actress was doing something like that ". In fact I don’t give a f*ck about celebrities. I don’t care what Brangelina, Carolina Cruz or any presenter, singer, actor, actress, reality show celebrity (as it is a real job) , etc, etc, etc do outside of their job (or even in their job). Besides, of this actress I have no memory. I felt disgusted because of the feelings (and the stupitidity) of whoever did that presentation y of those who keep it in circulation (I say the stupitidity because this kind of scandals make stronger celebrities just like Lully Bossa o Paris Hilton).

That reminds me of recent news in Australia: a school teacher in Sydney had to resign because HIS STUDENTS notified the school director about some porn pictures the teacher has in an adult website.

OK, I understand that it is different to be a debutant actress or an experienced school teacher, BUT either way where is their privacy? OK, neither is easy to keep some privacy when there is stuff posted on the internet (See http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=20653881061&id=596331859&index=8). In this case, why other person makes even more public that material?

It can’t be clearer that we live and teach a double moral, where a main issue is the privacy protection (a very fragile one) and a rampant free personality development (especially for the youngest). That leads me to think that people are much more radical today than what they/we were, and it that radicalism also are made more dangerous people, willing to compete unfairly.

Media are teaching us to be notified of any movement of any celebrity (or even almost any person). Also the media use that double moral to sell, BUT I don’t need to buy that rubbish: Why should I care if Mrs. Vargas did what to Mr. Castrillón or the whole team? Why should I care if three TV hostesses are going to Madonna’s concert? Does it make them more actresses/hostesses? Is the Australian teacher more or less academic because of the joy of leather or the pleasures found on the net?

I hope they enjoyed it and keep doing their job, because the Australian school students have nothing to do in adult websites and the Colombian teleaudience has enough with the soap operas, as long as they turn off their TV when the celebrity news start, giving unfair recognition to people with relative advantages.

Just to complete the frame:
Are we humans or are we angels?

Doble moral y privacidad

En esta semana recibí un típico mensaje con presentación de diapositivas adjunta. El asunto del mensaje me hizo pensar que se trataba de un mensaje que había recibido unos días antes, pero el nombre del archivo (actriz colombiana Yuri Katherine Vargas con Jaime Castrillón) era totalmente nuevo para mí, así que lo abrí.

La primera diapositiva dice: 'Más tangas fuera de lugar del canal RCN, esta es la actriz colombiana Yury Katherine Vargas con Jaime Castrillón jugador futbolista de Medellín y de la selección Colombia… boleteala…"

El canal RCN es uno de los dos canales privados en Colombia y, por lo que he logrado entender, varias de sus actrices y presentadoras han protagonizado escándalos en el último año y medio. Lo tenebroso del texto es la última palabra "boleteala..." (Hazla quedar en ridículo).

Segunda diapositiva: La susodicha en ropa interior en una cama.

Tercera diapositiva: La misma con menos ropa en el mismo sitio.

Cuarta diapositiva: La misma besando un hombre moreno con los pantaloncillos a media pierna.

Quinta a séptima diapositivas: La misma dando sexo oral al mismo.

Octava diapositiva: La misma sola desnuda sentada en la cama.

Novena a decimoprimer diapositiva: Insultos a la actriz, "boleteala… pa’ que su carrera se venga al piso… ja ja ", "Denle chapa a las fotos pa’ que nadie más la contrate… ja ja ja", "Actualmente la puedes ver en un papelucho de segunda en la telenovela “La dama de Troya”… ja ja ja que boleta (falta de clase/ridículo)!”

Y me indigné. No porque "una reconocida actriz de la televisión nacional se haya prestado a tan bajas actividades", porque la verdad a mí la farándula me vale m.3_*a. Me tiene sin cuidado lo que hagan fuera de su trabajo (e incluso en su trabajo) Brangelina, Carolina Cruz y cualquier presentadora, cantante, actriz, celebridad, participante de reality (como si fuera un trabajo real), etc, etc, etc: además de la actriz en cuestión no tengo el mas mínimo recuerdo. Lo que me indigna es la bajeza (y la estupidez) de quien hizo la presentación y de quienes la mantienen en circulación (Digo la estupidez porque esta clase de escándalos fortalecen carreras de celebridades como Lully Bossa o Paris Hilton).

Eso trae al tema una noticia reciente en Australia: un profesor de colegio en Sydney tuvo que renunciar después de que SUS ESTUDIANTES notificaron a la dirección del colegio que el profesor tenia fotos pornográficas en un sitio de internet para adultos.

OK, entiendo que es diferente ser una actriz que comienza a un profesor escolar con años de experiencia, PERO donde queda la privacidad de ambos? OK, tampoco es fácil mantener la privacidad cuando se publican cosas en internet (Ver http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=20653881061&id=596331859&index=8). En ese caso, con que derecho otra persona hace mas publicas esas fotos?

No puede quedar más claro que vivimos y enseñamos una doble moral, donde se habla de protección de la privacidad (una muy frágil) y de un rampante libre desarrollo de la personalidad (especialmente para los mas jóvenes), lo que, junto con los dos casos expuestos, me lleva a pensar que la gente es mucho más radical hoy de lo que fueron, fuimos o somos, y en ese radicalismo también se hacen personas más peligrosas, dispuestas a la competencia desleal.

Los medios nos están enseñando a ser notificados de cualquier movimiento de la celebridad de moda. También los medios se valen de esa doble moral para vender, PERO yo no necesito comprar esa basura: Que carajos me tiene que importar si la señorita Vargas le hizo que a Castrillón o al equipo entero? Que me importa si las tres amigas presentadoras se fueron en combo al concierto de Madonna? Eso las hace más o menos actrices/presentadoras? Al profesor australiano lo hacen más o menos académico los goces del cuero y los placeres habidos por internet?

Por mi, espero que lo hayan gozado y sigan haciendo su trabajo, que los escolares australianos no tienen nada que hacer en websites para adultos y los televidentes colombianos tienen con las novelas, eso si mientras apaguen el televisor cuando empiece la notifarandula, que no hace más que dar reconocimiento inmerecido a personas con ventajas relativas.

Para completar:

Somos humanos o somos ángeles?

A context matter

My pink bunny ears pic has caused sensation and, for my surprise, has caused a series of events that has made clear some differences between what you may want to see and reality and its contexts.

Some weeks ago I received the following message related to my pic:

Juan Guillermo Guerrero
7:56am Apr 22nd
"jajajajajaj, salimos del closeeett, eso esta bien. ya era hora "
[“hahahahahah, out of the closet! Good! It was time!]

I don’t remember if he was a student of mine sometime but, even if he was, that doesn’t give him enough trust to make that kind of comments. Apparently he’s a student, to be a graduate soon, from the Escuela; it means that, if he was my student, it was about 4 years ago at least.

Less than a week ago I found my pic posted (Yes, it was stolen! It’s a valuable good! haha) by Diana Carolina Ojeda (http://www.facebook.com/s.php?k=100000080&id=1040783066) on the ‘social’ group of the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería. The footnote was something like:

"Look! Our ex-teacher!
I wonder why the guys who took his class didn’t turned out to be fag….

I have less idea about her. At the Escuela there are no records of her, so I don’t know why she’s calling me “our ex-teacher”. I don’t remember her for intellectual or physical merits. At least I know she knows how to use a computer, because she stole my pic and posted it on a Facebook group without asking for permission. That’s why I had to ask the Facebook people to remove the pic because of the copyright, due to the group manager didn’t consider it pertinent. Point for the Facebook people.

In some way it’s flattering that my ex-students remember me. That they do it for the right or wrong reasons, it’s their problem, but it tells me that they learned something, even if it wasn’t what I was intending to teach them. It’s more than enough to know that some of my ex-students do it for the right reasons.

It makes me uncomfortable that those who do it for the wrong reasons still are chewing them, feeding whatever they’re feeling. But it makes me uncomfortable for a while, and I’m over it easily. In the end, it’s their problem, just like what they think they know about my private life. I live my life the way I want, and I don’t care who’s fine with it and who’s not, and even better, it doesn’t have to be a public matter.

I’ve always avoided mixing my work performance from my private life. So, it doesn’t have to interest anyone or affect anything. If my private life interests someone in my work life, that’s because wants to be part of it and that would only happen when won’t affect my work performance.

On the other side people’s response here was nice and it’s been cause for conversation and fun, but never of attack. Response from average Colombian people has been scandalized and defamatory. Once more, these issues have given me more to think about the thinking of the average Colombian people.

Have a look to my pic original photo album:

PS: I’ll print and sign some copies of my pic to sell if there are any offers, hahaha.

Cuestion de contexto

Mi foto con orejas rosa de conejo ha causado sensación y, para mi sorpresa, ha causado una serie de eventos que ha dejado claro algunas diferencias entre lo que se quiere ver y la realidad y sus contextos.

Hace unas semanas recibí el siguiente mensaje:

Juan Guillermo Guerrero, 7:56am Apr 22nd
"jajajajajaj, salimos del closeeett, eso esta bien. ya era hora "

No recuerdo él fue estudiante mio alguna vez, pero, aunque lo hubiera sido, eso no le daría suficiente confianza para hacer ese tipo de comentarios.

Hace menos de una semana encontré mi foto (Si, se la habían robado) publicada por Diana Carolina Ojeda (http://www.facebook.com/s.php?k=100000080&id=1040783066) en el grupo 'social' de la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería. El pie de foto decía:

"Que tal nuestro ex profesor, a[h]?
Me extraña que los tipos que vieron con él no hayan salido rosc..."

Tengo menos idea de esta señorita. En la Escuela no hay registros de ella, así que no se por que me llama “nuestro ex-profesor”. Si lo fue, no la recuerdo por méritos intelectuales o físicos. Pero sé que tiene ciertos problemas de ortografía y que sabe usar un computador, porque robó mi foto y la publicó sin permiso en un grupo de Facebook, por lo que tuve que pedir a la gente de Facebook que la retiraran por motivos de copyright (Si, yo tengo el copyright), ya que el director del grupo no lo consideró pertinente. Punto para la gente de Facebook.

De cierta manera me halaga que mis estudiantes me recuerden. Que ellos lo hagan por razones correctas o incorrectas, es su problema, pero me da a entender que aprendieron algo de mí, aunque no haya sido lo que le intente enseñar. Es suficiente con saber que varios de mis estudiantes lo hacen por las razones correctas.

Me incomoda que aquellos que lo hacen por la razones equivocadas aún las rumien, alimentando lo que sea que sienten. Pero me incomoda un rato y lo supero fácilmente. Es su problema, así como lo que creen saber de mi vida privada. Vivo mi vida como se me da la gana, le duela a quien le duela y me quiera quien me quiera, y más aún, no tiene que ser del dominio público.

Siempre he evitado mezclar mi desempeño laboral con mi vida privada. Por lo que no debe interesar a nadie o afectar nada. Si le interesa a alguien, será porque quiere ser parte de ella y eso solo pasaría cuando no afecte mi desempeño laboral.

Por otro lado, aquí la reacción de la gente ha sido muy buena y causa de conversación y diversión, pero nunca de ataques. La reacción del colombiano promedio ha sido escandalizada y subida de tono. Una vez más, todo el asunto me ha dado mucho que pensar sobre el tipo de pensamiento que domina al colombiano medio.

Vean el álbum original de esta foto:

Cada cual saque sus conclusiones!

PD: Voy a imprimir copias de la foto y firmarlas para venderlas por si hay interesados, jejejeje.

A beautiful day


I can't help it. I like this song/aria in any of its versions.

This one has a deeper meaning for me: Being at the hospital and very sick in 2004 after a laparostomy due to apendicitis a second surgery was scheduled because of a fistula in my colon caused by the first intervention.

My status was very as delicate as I received the Extreme Unctiion by mom's suggestion. And definitly that was something I agreed completely; the suggestion was appropiate for me and, I believe, I thought about it before she said something, despite my brother's rebuke who arrived just in the middle of the ceremony to the hospital room.

I also understood his anger for me feeling defeated, although I wasn't feeling defeated (or we weren't feeling defeated), but it was something very probable. At least I was feeling very weak and I didn't believe that after the previous situation I could survive a second abdominal surgery.

That was very clear when they took me to the operations room and from the waiting room I could see a gorgeous view of a sunny Bogota with a perfect blue sky.

And I thought, as the lyrics say: It's a beautiful day to die.

Un bello dia.

Un bello dia.


No puedo evitarlo. La cancion/aria me gusta en cualquiera de sus versiones.

Pero esta tiene un significado mucho mas profundo para mi: Estando hospitalizado y muy enfermo en el 2004 tras una laparostomia por apendicitis me programaron una segunda cirugia debido a una fistula en el colon causada por la primera.

Mi estado era tan delicado que hasta recibi la extrema uncion por sugerencia de mi mama. Y definitivamente era algo que yo compartia plenamente pues la sugerencia me parecio adecuada, a pesar del posterior rega~no de mi hermano quien llego justo en medio de la ceremonia al cuarto de la clinica.

Tambien entendi que se molestara por darme por vencido, aunque no me estaba dando por vencido (o no nos estabamos dando por vencidos), pero era algo que podia suceder. Al menos yo me sentia muy debil por la situacion de la que habia salido y no creia que tuviera fuerzas para sobrevivir a una segunda cirugia abdominal.

Eso fue muy claro cuando me subieron a la sala de cirugia de la clinica y desde la sala de espera pude ver una hermosa vista de una soleada Bogota con un cielo azul perfecto.

Y pense, como dice la cancion: Es un bello dia para morir.

The value of life

Life is an inalienable right, people say.

According to that, life is priceless. But that cannot be applied to real world. Any life is worth in the terms of how useful is to society, or of the expenses required on its transit to social usefulness.

The case of a mother and wife, who died run over, caught my attention. Indemnification went up to almost three times the minimum legal salary per year. As someone said "That's for the burial". ¿Who will explain to the orphan why her mother's life value was that?

Although there are values to quote the loss of capacity, how much is worth the loss of health, the loss of confidence or the anguish you get with a high risk of death? Due to the consequences of such situations do not have to immediate, can't they be measured? The value of an abortion, a gunman fee o the cost of the unprescribed medical test are the true values of life in this society, and al of them are lower to the cost of breed puppy.

In another case, which moved Colombia's society, more than 20 children from a prestigious school died in an absurd accident caused for not complying OHSC standards. How much would be enough to indemnify each one of those families. They asked for indemnifications between 180 and 270 thousand US dollars, but the responsible firm offered less than 30 thousand US dollars.

Greed or ignorance? Economic and financial quantifications never could measure values of things like life, health and peace. Personally, I felt prostitued when I had to calculate the amount due to my health loss and death risk, but the indignity is higher when the lawmakers say, what we have considered fair, is exaggerated. Finally, it scares me for our descendants, this jungle we live in.

Advices for an intestinal surgery recovery

On my experience, I have the following advices and warnings for those who are overcoming an abdominal surgery or that implies gastric damage:

Follow medical recommendations.

Walk as much as you can, specially at the begining of your recovery.

Avoid lettuce, brocoli, cucumber, pumpkin, milk and dairy products, greasy food, sauces, strawberry, mellon, fungi, grains, very salted food, fired food, soft drinks, acid juices (orange, lemon and passion fruit) and cold drinks. That way you avoid gases and acidity.

A light diet, without bits, will lead to a quicker recovery.

Don't do intense exercise, at least for 4 months.

Rest as much as you can.

Always consider places where you can find a bathroom.

And always have a fair amount of toilet paper with you.

Don't push yourself in the bathroom, take as much time as you need. You physical wellbeing goes first.

Recovery may be pretty slow, but you may notice changes from one day to another.

Soy milk is a good alternative. Try it in different presentations and recipes

Eat a lot of fruit, balancing its astringency.

While the wound is healing, cover it with plastic bag to have a shower, stick it with Transpore tape (2 cm wide is enough) or making tape, Wrap you wait with vinyl and cover the upper edge with more tape.

When there's no more humidity on the wound. use creams to moisturize the scar and improve the scarring. Drink camomile infusion and similar herbs which moisturize the skin.

Finally. you will have many changes in your digestion, some very slow and some very quick. Anyway, your whole recovery will take more than 6 months. Patience!

Just a hemicolectomy (III)

That Tuesday I was discharged under the same diagnosis, with a mysterious 'controlled' infection and the same decadent health which started two weeks before.

I followed the nutritional recommendations, but I wasn't improving. My adbomen was swollen and the discouragement was growing. I was losing breathing capacity, my voice was disappearing and drowned easily, even when I was speaking, I was walking much less and tried to ove the least I could. I went again to the GP, I told him with dispair about my condition and he ordered an urine and a HIV test.

Next day I had those tests and took them to the GP the next week. By then my condition was serious and my mother and sister-in-law went with me. The tests reveled nothing, so he order an appointment with a gastroenterologist under the diagnosis of Crohn's disease. The appointment was issued for 4 weeks later, on Friday Sept 3rd, 10:40. A cousin recommended a specialist to my mom and we scheduled an appointment.

He ordered many tests, which were completed two weeks later. We brought the result to him. My weight then was 70 k.

On thursday, Aug 26th he told me to be hospitallized and have surgery as soon as possible. He also ordered other tests and X-ray.

After having the tests done and consulting the Doctor and Health Services Provider (which by this point provided to be highly uneffective), we went to the other clinic covered by that provider and was hospitalized.

Then I was in room 234 and was seen by 3 surgeons, a gastreonterologist and a urologist. For a week they did tests to know exactly what was going on with me and discard from HIV up to a maligne tumor on the exterior wall of my bladder.

After a distressing week I went into a exploratory laparotomy, in which they removed a part of small intestine -about 30 cm long-, and another of large intestine -5 to 10 cm- in addition to remove several adherences developed by the appendix perforation after an appendicitis.

After surgery, the wound got infected and its central part had to be unsewed to be washed and cleaned continously. on Wed Sept 8th i was discharged against the opinion of the infections director at the clinic. I was prescribed pain killers and antibiotics to use at home.

There, a friend who is a nurse and my family took care of me until Monday, Sept 13th, when a different fluid was noted from the wound. The chief surgeon was called and we had an appointment that afternoon. Then, he determined I developed an enterocutaneous fistula, so part of the feces were going out through the wound. The wound had to be unsewed entirely to be cleaned and healed by second intention.

That day I was hoispitalized again throught the Emergency Room, in room 114 this time. Since that day oral feeding was suspended and a subclavian catheter was inserted to provide parenteral feeding and medications. New tests started to be performed to evaluate the fistula.

The surgeons scheduled another surgery to perform a colostomy on me. Due to the delicate condition and how weak I was, the clinic priest gave the extreme unction. (Read the other note "Beautiful day")

I was taken to the Operations Room and, being under anesthetia, the wound and fistula were checked. Due to the wound good evolution, they decided to wait for my organism to improve to perform the colostomy, about three months later.

Meanwhile, the fistula would be managed as a colostomy using barriers and colostomy bags on the wound in the closest area to the fistula, and at the same time the rest of the wound would be managed as usual changing the bandage every 3 or 4 days.

Due to a infection on the catheter I had a fever. It was removed and the fever disappeared. After a ffew day, the fever reappeared and I received more antibiotics for several weeks. At this point my weight was 58 k.

I also had two intestinal obstructions, which made surgeons think about another surgery. Fortunately both obstructions were solved naturally.

Some intestinal gases weren't going all the way throught the intestine. They may go through the fistula and get lost in the abdomen looking for an exit causing acute pain. To solve that, a nasogastric probe was used on me twice.

I was discharged again on Fridays Nov 22nd, after a week when my system reaction was tested without antibiotics. Later, the fistula closed by itself at the beginning of December and after that the wound healing process accelerated with less humidity and microorganisms.

As the wound was healing by secong intention I had to go to the clici every 5 days to change the bandage. That finished by late January and the scar was completed by February, about 5 months after surgery.

For six months, I went every two months for checks with the surgeon, who was satisfied about my recovery.

Just a hemicolectomy (II)

Days passed by, my abdomen was swollen and I needed more time resting. My health was worsening slowly. The GP checked me and prescribed similar medications to those prescribed in the Emergency Room.

On Sat July 24th, two weeks after the first emergency, after having a walk I fell asleep. After half an hour I was woken up by a strong pain in my abdomen. I stood up hoping it would go away, but it was worse.

I asked my parent to take me to the clinic again. This time there was no car at home and we had to take a cab. I waited in the living room trying to control the overwhelming pain I couldn't almost even walk with and damped in sweat. I could only watch the floor and breathe deeply.

After midnight, the cab arrived and me and my father went to the clinic. Doors closed, I knocked as hard as I could and the watchman appeared, and then the guy at the reception. He asked for my details, but I could only give my ID to my father and tried to get a seat in the waiting room supporting myself on the walls. As there weren't any more patients, the doctor saw me and he diagnosed the same: Chronic gastritis.

I was placed in a different strechter, with some other patients who also tried to sleep on the hard surfaces. Now I remember that I almost was feeling bad for howling while the pain killer worked, while my father tried to keep my hands warm between his.

The pain killer started to work and I could lay to try to sleep. My father went back home and I was there with the other patients. The lady on my right had a fish bone in het throat and it could be removed later without surgery.

I don't remember anymore the other patients that night; I remember some of the other two: A teenager who fell and seemed to have a fracture but it turned out to be something else; A young woman who had backaches for not going down from her heels; and a lady with an abdominal pain too, who tried to distract her pain by hitting herself in the gut, while she yelled at her husband not to let her die.

Going to the toilet was something chaotic in the beginning. The first time I went to ask the nurse for toilet paper, so I took the saline solution bag with me. When I reached the nurse I was about to faint and the hose filled with blood. In addition there was no toilet paper for the patients: every patient should have his/her own stuff. One had to take the bags support to the small (very!)toilet and place it in such a way to door could be closed.

Nights weren't cozy: my condition didn't allow me to sleep easily. Neither I could sit on the stretcher because it could slide. Being sat in a chair wasn't the solution either. Those nights were endless.

Next Tuesday midday, barely strong enough to move by myself I was discharged with the same diagnosis than two weeks before. Fortunately a friend arrived then, he could aask for the medication and go with me home in a cab.

Just a hemicolectomy (I)

On that July 10th I woke up with a strong burning in my stomach. I thought it should something minor and tried to keep sleeping, but I couldn't. My usual weight was 80 k.

I ate something to relieve that, but not the yogurt, nor the cheese, nor the juice did.

I went back to bed and the burning started to become unbearable. After a while, I asked my mother for a medication, after all she has experience due to her digestive problems. I swallowed a pill, but I came back when I started vomiting.

I was only able in that morning to have a shower and get dressed. At midday I went to the clinic with my parents. An endless trip; it was a simple route but did a couple of detours and took us a bit longer. I thought I wouldn't arrive.

In the clinic I registered in Emergencies, a nurse took my vital signs and had to wait two hours for the doctor to see me. After all the waiting, the doctor said I had gastritis and they injected me with Ranitidina and saline solution, I don't remember if I was given any pain killer. I guess so, but only after 1 or 2 hours; there was someone in critical condition in the hospital.

I had to spend the rest of the day and the night on a hard, narrow stretcher where I had to roll over very carefully, mi head was touching the wall, my feet a window and I had to change my position constantly due to the hard surface. When my family came, I wanted to drink a juice, but I threw it up. I had to keep without eating anything.

Finally it was day again and I had to wait for a doctor to check me and get out of the clinic. He came, checked, prescribed and discharged me. Happy, I collected my stuff, called my family and waited for them. I hoped that was the end of this history, but I was very wrong.