Double moral and privacy
The first slide says: 'More thongs out of place from RCN channel (play on words in Spanish), this is the Colombian actress Yury Katherine Vargas with Jaime Castrillón soccer player of Medellín and the Colombian team… boleteala…"
The RCN cannel is one of the two private channels in Colombia and, as far as I understand, some of its actresses and presenters have faced scandals in the last year and a half. The spooky thing in the text is the last Word: "boleteala..." (Embarrass her).
Second slide: The actress in underwear on a bed.
Third slide: Same girl, less clothes, same bed.
Fourth slide: Same girl, kissing a dark-skinned with his underwear on his knees.
Fifth to seventh slides: Same girl giving oral sex to the same guy,
Eighth slide: Same girl, sat naked on the bed.
Ninth to eleventh slides: "Embarrass her, so her career will be finished… ha ha", "Send the pictures so nobody will hire her again … ha ha ha", "You can see her in a stupid role in the soap opera “La dama de Troya”… ha ha ha, embarrassing!”
And I felt disgusted. Not because "a well-known actress was doing something like that ". In fact I don’t give a f*ck about celebrities. I don’t care what Brangelina, Carolina Cruz or any presenter, singer, actor, actress, reality show celebrity (as it is a real job) , etc, etc, etc do outside of their job (or even in their job). Besides, of this actress I have no memory. I felt disgusted because of the feelings (and the stupitidity) of whoever did that presentation y of those who keep it in circulation (I say the stupitidity because this kind of scandals make stronger celebrities just like Lully Bossa o Paris Hilton).
That reminds me of recent news in Australia: a school teacher in Sydney had to resign because HIS STUDENTS notified the school director about some porn pictures the teacher has in an adult website.
OK, I understand that it is different to be a debutant actress or an experienced school teacher, BUT either way where is their privacy? OK, neither is easy to keep some privacy when there is stuff posted on the internet (See
It can’t be clearer that we live and teach a double moral, where a main issue is the privacy protection (a very fragile one) and a rampant free personality development (especially for the youngest). That leads me to think that people are much more radical today than what they/we were, and it that radicalism also are made more dangerous people, willing to compete unfairly.
Media are teaching us to be notified of any movement of any celebrity (or even almost any person). Also the media use that double moral to sell, BUT I don’t need to buy that rubbish: Why should I care if Mrs. Vargas did what to Mr. Castrillón or the whole team? Why should I care if three TV hostesses are going to Madonna’s concert? Does it make them more actresses/hostesses? Is the Australian teacher more or less academic because of the joy of leather or the pleasures found on the net?
I hope they enjoyed it and keep doing their job, because the Australian school students have nothing to do in adult websites and the Colombian teleaudience has enough with the soap operas, as long as they turn off their TV when the celebrity news start, giving unfair recognition to people with relative advantages.
Just to complete the frame:
Are we humans or are we angels?